Genre Research - Comedy
The comedy genre is one of the most successful movie genres out there. Comedy uses laughter to gain the interest of audiences around the world. The main tactic used in comedy movies is exaggerating real life events or scenarios. In film comedy is one of the oldest genres dating back to when films had no audio. One example of this is Harold Lloyd's "safety last" knoe for one of the most iconic silent film scenes. With comedy film makers have some much room to play with. Comedy can branch out in to multiple sun categories. Examples are Action-Comedy, Horror-comedy, Black-comedy, Romantic-comedy, Dramedy. With comedy being so easily stretched into other genres. It is easy to see why it gets so much attention every day all over the world. Comedy can be marketed toward any individual no matter what age because of how flexible it is.
EX. Harold Lloyds iconic clock scene from Safety Last
There are also many parody type of films. Making a Mockery of real life events or other movies. An example of this would be the film "Scary movie". These type of films take a dark story and approach it with a humorous touch to make the audience laugh. Comedies tend to focus on quick and snappy lines and actions. These type of movies usually have a setting that the audience can relate to like a suburban area or a city. A lot of the time comedy will end with something funny or something happy so the audience can leave the theater happy leaving the movie with a good feeling.
Grown ups
Dumb and dumber
Happy Gilmore
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