Sunday, February 16, 2020

portfolio genre research

Action - Drama 

                           The Action-Drama genre is an interesting genre because of how different the two singular genres are.  Dramas often give actors a chance to emphasizes the role and the character more then usual compared to other genres that wouldn't allow them to. This is because drama films focus on building up characters that the audience can engage with and not the actions or environment that is unfolding around the character. The plot does not depend on EXTREME action stunts or anything like that to drive the movie forward, rather it uses action as a side story booster while still being an important part of the film.

                          The cool thing about the Action-Drama genre is that it allows both things to happen. 
In most Action-Drama films the main focus is on the character themselves while all the action is still taking place but the action is not the main focus and is used as a plot builder. 

                          An example of a movie like this would be the "Hurt Locker". 

Image result for The Hurt Locker

                           The hurt locker blends these two as close to perfect as you can get.The characters in this film are the central points and the conflict is between the men themselves and the action is all being play out around them. This mix of  telling a story about someone in adventurous way is something I hope I Achieve successfully. 

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